Renate Haimerl Brosch's Apt Observations

On an exchange organized through the Oberpfalzer Künstlerhaus, Regensburg-native, Renate Haimerl Brosch is winding down a six-week residency at VCCA. Renate considers herself a three-dimensional artist although she works across disciplines. At home in Germany, she is known for her installations, videos and soundscapes. Being in residency thousands of miles away from her studio required that she work primarily in lightweight, easily transportable media like monotypes, photo transfers and small wire sculptures. She did produce one major installation constructed of found items. Renate’s installations are site-specific, inspired by a place, its history, the impression it leaves on her. This is Renate’s first visit to America and one thing she immediately noticed is the abundance of plastic shopping bags. In Germany, people are so conscientious they all use reusable carriers when they go shopping and so these examples of a wasteful, environmentally insensitive culture are n...