VCCA Fellow Organizes Benefit for School in Nepal

VCCA Fellow Andrea Clearfield traveled to Nepal last August as part of a collaborative project to research and make field recordings of the indigenous music in the remote Himalayan kingdom of Lo Monthang in Mustang, trekking mostly on horseback during the two-week trip.

Enthralled by the experience, Andrea committed herself to assisting the people of Mustang, and has organized a benefit concert in her Philadelphia home on March 1, raising money for Lo Kunpen, a school and clinic of Tibetan medicine. The evening will feature a preview of LUNG-TA, The Wind-Horse, Andrea’s artistic collaboration combining music, dance, and visual art inspired by her trip, plus a silent auction of Tibetan art. Please email Andrea for more information.

"Lo Kunphen is a school in desperate financial need," says Andrea. " Those who are unable to make the benefit, but wish to contribute a donation to the school, can write a check made out to DROKPA (with the words "Lo Kunphen" in the memo) and mail to: Andrea Clearfield , 400 S. Sydenham Street, Philadelphia, PA 19146 (US charity: All proceeds go to Lo Kunphen School in Lo Monthang, Nepal."
Lung-Ta (The Windhorse) will be premiered on March 6, 8pm at The University of the Arts, Great Hall, Broad and Pine Streets. For tickets and more information on Lung-Ta, please visit Network For New Music.

Photo of Andrea Clearfield by Catherine Hennessey.


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