"The Best American Poetry" Blog Interviews Margaret Ingraham About Her @InPoetweet Project

On February 20, 2012, Margaret B. Ingraham tweeted her first poem written for Twitter - the result of a serendipitous conversation with two strangers. But it was only the first step in her commitment to compose and upload one poetweet a day for a year. Today, she launched poetweet #242.

Julie E. Bloemeke interviewed Margaret about her InPoetweet project for The Best American Poetry blog.



Julie E. Bloemeke said…
Thank you so much for posting the link! Margaret and I just happened to both be in residency at VCCA during the same time. A confluence of kismet to be sure! As we were discussing my blog series over dinner one evening, I knew that Margaret's InPoetweet project would be a compelling addition. Thank you Margaret and VCCA!

Julie E. Bloemeke
On Twitter: @jebloemeke

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