VCCA Open House on Bastille Day!

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Tour open studios and visit working writers, artists and composers
Explore the beautiful Mt. San Angelo grounds
See the outdoor sculpture collection
Meet the staff and enjoy refreshments

4:00 to 6:00 pm
154 San Angelo Drive
Amherst, Virginia

TOP ROW: “VCCA Morning” Studio Barn by Shoshanna Ahart, visual artist, Germany; Joshua Gottlieb-Miller, writer, Maryland (photo by Bernard Handzel, photographer, New York); VCCA studio barn by Brett Gamache, New Hampshire.
MIDDLE ROW: Joan Weber, visual artist, New York (photo by Medford Taylor, photographer, Virginia); VCCA Studio Barn sign (photo by Bernard Handzel); J. Walter Hawkes, composer, New York (photo by Bernard Handzel).
BOTTOM ROW: “Light Tower” by Israel Hadany, Israel, visual artist (photo by Medford Taylor); gathering at a performance of Jens Barnieck, composer, Germany (photo by Medford Taylor); “Persephone’s Renewal” by  Ivy Parsons, visual artist, Maryland (photo by Joelle Wallach, composer, New York)


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