Quinn's Skies Enveloping Everything, and Places

Skies Enveloping Everything, and Places is Ann Quinn's latest exhibition. Her paintings, which combine abstract elements with precisely detailed passages have an almost mystical quality. Here, she uses the sky to evoke a transcendental sense of place.  

Ann explains, "This exhibition is of different places that I spent time in, under their particular skies. Places such as East Donegal, Bulgaria, Scotland and the South of France. Every piece of work I have made is based on a specific place I have spent time in. My paintings are about places, but in fact I am going for the atmosphere. I use places in order to instill an atmosphere; this is the main element that I go for. It is the same atmosphere that appears in works of literature and films. This is the reason why I cherish literature, films and paintings so much; it is the essence of the book, the film or artwork that I seek out."

Donegal Bay and Bluestacks Festival, Abbey Arts Centre, Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal, September 27-October 5. Opening reception: September 27, 7:30 PM. www.annquinn.org


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