Allan Rosenbaum's Binary
Allan Rosenbaum’s Binary a solo exhibition presented in
conjunction with Lively Experiments: the 49th annual conference of the National
Council on Education for Ceramic Arts in Pawtucket, RI March 25-28, 2015. Opening Reception:
Friday March 27, 6-9 pm.
“Currently, I am
exploring the idea of the binary in a series of sculptures and constructed
drawings,” says Allan. “I am particularly interested in the physical
aspects of constructing these works and I develop my palette in this series
through material choice and construction. “I hope to call attention to
structural nuances, to raise questions about the relationship between sculpture
and drawing, and to create work that explores the notion of beauty outside of
classical standards and cultural expectations.”
The exhibition explores
the area between drawing and sculpture with epoxy clay sculptures that are
mounted on the wall casting shadows that provide a visual echo underscoring the piece's form.